
The Power of B: Bernese Butter Braid (Cappuccino on the Foredeck)

“Bärner Ankezüpfe” (Bernese Butter Braid) is an absolutely non-diet Sunday breakfast/brunch classic. It’s named after the canton (state) of Bern, home to the Swiss capital of the same name. Züpfe – or Zopf as it’s called in other parts of the country – has been baked in Switzerland for hundreds of years. Making Zopf takes …

“Burning Love” Snow Omelette (Cappuccino on the Foredeck)

“Burning Love” is a very common European dessert made of vanilla ice cream, hot raspberries and whipped cream. “Snow” or “foam” omelette is an Austrian specialty which gets its name from the whipped egg whites used for it. In this recipe, we’re combining the two into a delicious dessert, or breakfast if you want to …

SV Avventuriera

SV (Sailing Vessel) Avventuriera will be the name of any vessel I come to own in the future. Originally, she was supposed to be a motor vessel. But after I’ve discovered sailing, she’s now much more likely to be a sailing vessel or motorsailer.

The name means “(female) adventurer” in Italian. It’s inspired by the song Avventuriera by iconic Italian rock singer Gianna Nannini. Its lyrics have resonated with me since I first heard the song in the 90’s:

We will leave together in the silence of the morning,
while in your eyes, the universe is getting closer and closer,
to where every flag takes the color of the sea,
and where the Earth is our only limit.
Let’s waste no time,
and away with you I will be again
an adventurer.
Beyond the city limits,
the race towards the far end of the adventure never stops.
Only you know what I’d give
to start all over again.
We will leave together without limits in your hearts,
[and do all kind of crazy things.]
Let’s waste no time, and next to you I will be
an adventurer.

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